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Praise 104.1
Walter Kirkland

Source: Provided By Walter Kirkland / Walter Kirkland

Today on the Community Affairs Show Cheryl Jackson talks with The founder of 100 Black Men Prince George’s County, Walter Kirkland about the Importance of Mentoring during this time of racial unrest.  As the world is faced with a deadly pandemic, racial disparities has escalated tremendously. Mr. Kirkland shares what 100 Black Men of Prince Georges County is doing to still support and mentor African American young men.  We talk about the four areas in which 100 black men provide focus:  mentoring, education, health & wellness and economic empowerment.

Find out how you can be apart of their current Virtual Fitness Challenge at Bike it….Hike it…Walk it…Run it.

About 100 Black Men:

Not all youth are born with privilege, opportunities, or a positive network. Some are raised throughout their lives thinking they’ll never be able to live the life they’ll want. This is because of the environment and the people who they surround themselves every single day. Every African-American person should have the ability to create the life they’ve always wanted and that’s what The 100 Black Men of America, Inc. provides.

Committing ourselves to personify the type of people our children will look up to and emulate, we embrace the immense responsibility we have to our mentees and our communities. Providing these children another choice in life by being around likeminded individuals who have similar aspirations and goals.

As we have grown The Network of 100 Black Men of America, Inc. more companies and programs have been formed to assist in delivering the education and empowerment needed to change the course of these children’s lives. This is done through the 100’s Four For The Future focus areas; Mentoring, Education, Health & Wellness, and Economic Empowerment.